Series That I Never Finished.

2 min readJun 17, 2024


picture from pinterest :

Never finished watching the series? Me too.

My weird habit is to never watch a series until the end.

Lately I realized why it happened. I was too afraid to see the big conflict that would happen in the series. I was afraid to see the sadness, misery, disappointment, and betrayal that would happen. All i wanted to see were the beautiful parts of the story.

I knew that I was a coward. I only wanted to see the beautiful things without seeing the bitter things. I never even knew the ending of the series I watched, was it happy ending? or sad ending?

Just like my life, I don’t even know how it will end. I am too afraid to move forward, afraid of the problems I will face, afraid to decide which risk I should take, afraid to know who will betray me, afraid, afraid, and afraid…

The question is, until when? until when should I always be afraid? The old me will never be able to answer it. but the current me will answer :

“Until today, tomorrow stop being afraid.

Let’s step together, me and my fears.

Everything will be fine, just like the butterfly metamorphosis that we learned in elementary school; butterflies also need to feel the torment of being caterpillars and cocoons first, before finally being able to fly straight at the right time. Well, so maybe with your story.

Therefore never give up and enjoy the beauty of the process in life. Just breathe, relax, just do it. This is just life not a state exam. If today fails, tomorrow try again. ok?

